Last weekend we went to a Christmas music program sponsored by Easter Seals. I happened to see a flyer for it shared on Facebook and thought both kids would really enjoy the music program, which was led by a music therapist. Music therapy is about the only therapy we haven't done with Teddy, largely because I never came across a program.
Teddy loved the music and all the people. AJ loved dancing and singing and playing instruments. I loved that since it was geared for special needs that I didn't need to apologize for or even explain Teddy. Teddy moved around the room, sitting in every open seat for a few minutes and sometimes other people's laps. He didn't know any of them, but he's a very social little boy who doesn't have any respect for personal space. In other settings, that usually requires at least a quick apology, redirection of Teddy or explanation to his newly chosen friend. This was somewhere he could just be himself without the need for that.
Santa Teddy was pretty excited to be there. |
By far the music and the people were Teddy's favorite parts of the event. AJ liked decorating the cookies and doing a craft as well. Then we went to see the big guy.
Now Teddy historically is a bit freaked out by costumed characters. He's becoming much more intrigued by them, but it's the only time he respects personal space. His bubble goes from non-existent to at least 3 feet, preferably more.
Note the skepticism on Teddy's face. |
This particular Santa lilur Teddy in with his bells, and Teddy got close enough for me to sneak a picture. Then when Santa helped Teddy into his lap, Teddy climbed down and ran away. So AJ stayed chatting shyly with Santa until Teddy and I returned from a safe distance. We even managed a few photos of the four of us with me serving as the safety barrier between Santa and Teddy.
All we're missing is Dave, unless he's really Santa? |
It was a phenomenal event just because it was so welcoming for everyone with excellent volunteers. I'll definitely be looking to see if we can attend again next year.
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