Sunday, September 22, 2019

Another Day, Another Race

One of the best parts of our summer is myTEAM Triumph, an organization that partners able-bodied athletes with individuals with disabilities. Teddy ran his first race with them shortly after his 3rd birthday, and we've loved every moment. Everyone is so welcoming and accepting of all our Captains. We've developed such friendships that others offer to take Teddy for periods of time at training runs or races or simply just take him to go exploring. 

Aside from the friendships, Teddy loves to run. He gets antsy waiting in his race chair before the race, but he loves when he's being pushed. He lucked out today and had the fastest team. (He came in second of the MTT teams because he walked across the finish line on his own.) He also had an angel who knows him from training runs, so not only did she push him for the race but then also wrangled and chased him back to where I was. 

Teddy wouldn't smile because he was too confused by the pace car in front of him.
Most often I'm running as one of Teddy's angels, but Teddy joined just last week for this race because they had an open Captain spot. So AJ and I spectated with cowbells. I helped push Captain Katie's chair while she walked across the finish line with her angels. Now that was something incredible to witness. Captain Katie worked for each and every step to cross the finish line, and her two angels supporting her were drenched in sweat by the time they crossed not only from the effort of running the race but also from supporting their Captain across the line. It was truly humbling to watch her effort and determination for the simple act of walking that we often take for granted. 

We still have at least one more race left this season, Run with the Cops, next week. That's always a fun race with lots of lights, doughnuts and goodies along the way. It'll be extra special this year because I've roped at least one of my Moms Run This Town friends into being an angel. It's pretty neat to combine my love of running and my love of Teddy. 

#runlikeangels #MTTambassador

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