Tuesday, June 7, 2022

My Mets Star

It's an exciting day, folks! Today is Teddy's first game with Miracle League, which is an amazing organization that gives kids with all abilities the opportunity to play baseball. The league plays on an adapted field, which is completely wheelchair accessible, as many players use wheelchairs or have mobility issues. Each player is matched with a buddy who assists them with batting, fielding and hangs out with them during the games, so that parents and families can truly be spectators. 

We've heard nothing but good things about this program and finally decided to sign Teddy up because he loves being around people, and he gets a huge kick out of running around baseball diamonds. He was so excited to sit in the bleachers last week when we picked up his gear and met his coaches. It was amazing to see all the different kids who are going to play ball this summer, who all get to be included and participate in a way that works for each of them. 

I can't wait to share his baseball adventures with you!

Can you tell how excited Teddy was to meet his coaches?!?

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