Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Our Happy Place

We spent the past two months under Safer at Home, which was scheduled to end May 26. Our state opened up, so to speak, nearly two weeks early with absolutely no warning nor planning. The decision to open up for business had nothing to do with COVID-19 and everything to do with the politics. Given our risk factors with Teddy and myself, we will continue to take all the precautions we can and minimize our interactions with others. 

That means we head to our land when we can because there's wide open space without other people. The boys can run reasonably free, although Teddy still requires quite a bit of supervision, and we can all enjoy nature. We managed to sneak away Monday evening to spend the night to explore all day Tuesday for my birthday. It was also special because it was our first night sleeping in our bunk room in our garage. 

This boy loves his shovels and dirt. Notice his butt scootin' trail.

Although we didn't get to sleep until shortly after 10 p.m. because the boys were so excited to run around and play when we got down there around 7 p.m. That didn't stop Teddy from waking up at 4:45 a.m. to start the birthday celebrations. The boys played fairly quietly and decorated the room while Dave and I attempted to ignore them and snooze a bit longer. 

So happy to dig in the dirt or the sand.

We spent our day putzing around the garage with a few projects, building a log fort to make good use of our many downed trees, foraging for ramps and morels and hiking together to explore some trails near our land. In short, it was an absolutely fantastic day. Now, mind you even a fantastic day with Teddy involves several heart-stopping moments to catch him from falling into the river (as he heads there on purpose) or beat him to the decrepit death trap of a deer stand. 
Family hike ... for the first 5 minutes when Teddy hiked on his own.
We are so grateful for this piece of land for us to escape from the stress of our everyday life, enjoy each others' companies and make memories. 

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