Monday, January 6, 2020

The Best Brother

I know I've said it many times, but we're so blessed to have AJ as Teddy's older brother. Now, some of AJ's awesomeness comes from 6 years of living with Teddy, so certain aspects of helping and interacting with Teddy are second nature. But AJ still has a huge heart, tremendous passion and a desire to plan things to perfection.

Tonight AJ spontaneously started helping Teddy write the letters of his name, doing hand-over-hand with Teddy. This started while I was making supper and they were in the other room. AJ told me what he was doing (although I could figure it out from AJ's prompts to Teddy), so I captured a video without AJ realizing it. (I almost got busted when Teddy noticed, but AJ was able to redirect Teddy's attention ... sort of.)

This was only the start.

As soon as Dave walked in the door after work, AJ was at his side to show him what they had been doing, proud of both his and Teddy's efforts. Then AJ concocted a plan for working with Teddy on a regular basis to help him learn his letters, spending a few weeks to master Teddy and then moving on to Theodore. (We suggested perhaps we focus on Teddy and not worry about Theodore yet.)

He asked to use the computer to create worksheets for Teddy to trace letters. Now he has three week's worth of worksheets that he plans to do with Teddy, a bit at a time, to help him learn.

Perhaps the best part was that Teddy was so receptive to AJ helping him that he actually stayed and focused and didn't wiggle his hand away. We'll see how long it lasts, but I love AJ's spirit and kind heart.

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