Sunday, August 4, 2019

Toothless Teddy

Mister Teddy's had a wiggly tooth the last couple weeks, so wiggly that Dave tried pulling it unsuccessfully several times. We've spent the last year or so wondering when Teddy would start losing teeth because we figured he'd most likely swallow them accidentally. Dave was tasked with checking them in between his dentist appointments (because I figured if the stars aligned, they could yank the lose ones for him rather than him eating them).

Then Dave had to leave for a couple days for work last week, with the wiggly tooth still very wiggly but still stuck inside Teddy's mouth. That meant that I was in charge of the tooth. And I don't do teeth pulling. It's not my my job description. The way I figure is there's an awful lot I do or have done through the years (you know, give birth, nurse Teddy who bit like a banchee, clean up pee ... and poop ... carry Teddy for the past 7 years (because the whole time I was pregnant counts, too)). Teeth pulling doesn't need to be my thing. Dave can handle that one.

But, instead I was stuck home with Teddy and a loose tooth. Rather than have him swallow it, I sucked it up and pulled it while we were playing in the hammock. Not only is this Teddy's first missing tooth, it was also my first tooth pulling experience as an adult. (I'm sure I yanked a few of mine as a child.)

I told Dave this would be an expensive tooth.
So, the tooth fairy came for Teddy. And I'm still waiting on the baby goat I decided was my payment for going outside the parameters of my job description. Still waiting ... I think I'm going to be waiting a while ...

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