Tuesday, July 31, 2018

What Would Be Your Super Power?

This week at work we were discussing the question of which super power you would pick if you could have any one super power? My response was selective mind reading. 

Now, my boss gave me crap about my response, saying things like that's creepy, perverted, twisted and the like until I stopped him in his tracks with my response:

"I have a 5-year-old son who has never spoken a word. I would pay a tremendous amount of money to know what's going on inside his mind."

As I continued to ponder this question I think I probably need more than one super power to be Teddy's mom:

Selective mind reading: With a non-verbal child, it's so challenging to know even his basic wants and needs. I have no way of knowing how much he understands. Sometimes I don't know if he doesn't understand or simply doesn't want to fulfill my requests. I have no idea of knowing what he's thinking, and I'd give most anything for that ability. Now, I say selective because I really don't want to know what most people are thinking.

Superhuman energy: To keep up with Teddy. He never stops. 

Superhuman strength: To wrestle Teddy, pick him up when he flops and drops and maneuver him where he needs to be, particularly when it's not where he wants to go.

What would be your super power?

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