I don't know how I have 2 middle schoolers.
But I do.
And they're at the same school for the first time in 8 years.
The last time AJ and Teddy went to the same school, it was for 3K and 4K. I remember that day so clearly, thanks in part to Facebook memories where we sang about how the Mamas in the Tahoe were so excited for a break with her boys at school for a few hours. I also remember AJ singing because he was so excited to go to 4K.
Be still my heart! This was when Teddy could barely walk. |
And when they went to school together, when they were sweet little 3- and 4-year-old boys, AJ loved every time he saw Teddy riding around school in the wagon, proudly waving and telling his classmates that was his brother Teddy.
Now AJ is a 7th grader, and Teddy is a 6th grader. Ironically, they're both at the same school where they started their educational journeys (as this is both an elementary and middle school). AJ is super excited to have Teddy at his school because he loves his brother ... but he's also worried about bullying and the lack of his extra time in the morning with Dave or me.
It's a bit terrifying since it's a new school, new teacher (after the same one for 5 years!) and almost all new support staff, aides and other teachers. (He does have the same speech therapist as last year, thankfully, and does have the same nurse from 3K all those years ago, along with same PT from all those years ago when he was a floppy baby boy.) The most terrifying is that it's all brand new kids, with none of his friends who've grown to know and love him the last 6 years. Not a single one will be at his new school because Teddy was not at our home school, meaning all his classmates are going to a different school and now Teddy is coming to our home school for middle school.
But I'm so excited for the opportunities in middle school for Teddy! To highlight a few:
- He's at the same school as AJ, for better or worse. I love that AJ will look out for him, as will our neighbor girls and hopefully AJ's friends.
- Teddy is a social butterfly. He'll make friends incredibly fast and will quickly endear his teachers, paras and make himself known to all the adults in the school.
- Teddy gets support to attend gym with a whole bunch of his peers, modified with the support of his adapted PE teachers. I think he'll love that overall.
- Teen life aka home ec. is a modified class for Teddy and a handful of his peers. He is going to absolutely love even the laundry aspect but especially the kitchen skills. This teacher also is amazing (AJ loved her class!) and does a coffee cart with Ted's class. I can only imagine how excited he will be to participate in this learning opportunity.
- Band is one of Teddy's classes. We had to select band, choir or orchestra as one is required for all 6th graders. I said I wouldn't trust him anywhere near the string instruments, so that ruled out orchestra, and he's non-verbal, which meant choir wasn't a great fit. So band it is! AJ also does band and loves it and the teacher! So it'll be really interesting for the poor teacher to have a great student like AJ and then Teddy. His para will get a workout in band, no doubt, but I think he'll love all the music and be so proud to participate with his peers.
Those are a few of thing things we're looking forward to with middle school. There's been so many developments here (last-minute IEP, acceptance into an afterschool program and some pretty major health issues I've been navigating), so I'll work on those updates another time.
For now, we get a good night's sleep because we have 2 middle schoolers tomorrow!
They've gotten a bit bigger in the past 8 years. |