Friday, November 19, 2021

One Small Step Toward Protection

We're sick of COVID. It's changed all aspects of life for us because we now see everything through the lens of risk versus reward as we try to protect Teddy in particular. Once your child has been intubated once, it's not something we ever care to experience again.

Fortunately Teddy was able to get his first dose of the COVID vaccine this week, and even more thankfully he seemed to experience no side effects. We did medicate him with Ibuprofen for a couple days afterward just in case he were to develop a fever (because fevers often trigger seizures for him). 

AJ didn't "throw away his shot!" 

He was very excited to get out of his Kimba Kruze chair to go sit at the table by the nurse. However, when she wiped his arm with the alcohol pad, he realized this was something medical and immediately tried to push her away. I was able to hold his arms and him, so she could administer the vaccine. Teddy did freak out the most when she tried to apply his bandaid, so I snagged it to show him that it wasn't on him. He still was freaking out and looked like he was trying to remove his arm (probably because his brain processed the jab) for just a moment. He immediately went back to his Kruze, which is his safety spot during medical procedures and was then  perfectly fine. 

AJ is normally quite wary of shots, even to the point of working himself to tears before the shot even occurs. However, he was so excited to have this opportunity that he was an absolute champ. He went first, and after his shot, looked at his arm and said, "Oh, you're done? That was just a little pinch." He complained just a bit the next day about a sore arm, but he knows it's well worth it for the added protection for him and our family.

Of course, he also knows that nothing changes now, and nothing will honestly change in December when they are fully vaccinated. COVID cases are incredibly high, and it seems like it's everywhere. We'll still continue to wear masks and avoid activities that are higher risk. Hopefully as more get vaccinated, we'll see the tide turn ...

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