Thursday, March 26, 2020

We're Abundantly Blessed

In these uncertain times, it's easy to have higher levels of stress, anxiety and discontentment. Our normal routines are upended. The village that helps us raise Teddy was virtually wiped out overnight by a pandemic. (We've greatly limited our interactions, so we just have a few folks still interacting with us. Trust me, we truly appreciate those few.) Our ability to get Teddy outdoors is dictated on whether the neighbor kids are outside because Teddy doesn't understand social distancing (and not licking everything). Our option to take Teddy to run errands at stores when he's driving us crazy has been gone for nearly 2 weeks. We're both working from home, hoping Teddy doesn't discover we're behind the door because that results in endless tears. My work requires more time now than ever before because we provide critical supports to people, which makes us essential.

Despite all this, I can't help but be grateful for all our blessings. Our family still has our usual income. We have plenty of space in our house to find bits of seclusion (as long as we can hide from Teddy). We have all our basic needs met in terms of food, shelter, heat, water, etc. and have no concerns regarding those, which is so different from so many.

We can still spend time outdoors. We have a small playground set in our backyard, and we added rings this spring, which are a fun addition for both boys. We can use chalk on the deck, where Teddy is contained and not running away to neighbors' houses. We can do family walks.

We got away last weekend to our land. The boys enjoyed the ATV rides and time outdoors. It was also the last time that we'd get to spend with Dave's folks until Wisconsin's Safer at Home is done. On a nature walk, I got to appreciate the little things that normally I rush past, like icicles from cliff sides and a smiling tree stump. I felt such gratitude for that day because I don't know when we'll get to do that again.

Don't worry. Be happy. Worry only robs today of its joy.
We've gotten way more morning snuggles, which are often the best part of the day with Teddy. He'll boss you around as to where you need to sit and lay, but he'll flop on top of you and give hugs. He's so happy most mornings, and usually we're too busy with work and school to enjoy these moments except on weekends.

We've learned that a brand new movie and popcorn in the living room is an incredible treat, even if we have to pause the movie when Teddy loses interest or work calls interrupt on a weekend.

I've been running solo the last week instead of with my amazing running friends. Although I miss their company, I've been noticing the little things on my old running routes, like the sound of water lapping against the shore and the deer paths leading into the woods. It's been like discovering my old running routes all over again but with greater appreciation.

We've been blessed with two meals from a neighbor who wanted to ease the challenges of the pandemic. We've made other neighbors laugh by using the riding lawn mower to get the mail and riding in circles in the rain. (Teddy loved that!)

The weeks ahead will be long and scary, no doubt. We can't change what's happening in our world, but we can change our attitude and perspective. What are you grateful for today?

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