Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy Easter!

I've been absent from our blog the past couple weeks because we were busy preparing for, surviving (and enjoying) and recovering from our recent vacation. More to come on that another day.

In the meantime, I want to talk a bit about Easter and school. This past Thursday Teddy brought home several pieces of Easter artwork, crafts and treats. It seems like Teddy's teacher or one of his para-professionals made baskets out of paper for each of the kids in the class. He came home with this little basket with a cute bunny and a couple hard-boiled eggs. He also came home with a Rice Crispy bunny that his team helped him make. I knew to expect some fun things since his teacher sent me pictures earlier in the day.

Making his rice crispy bunny is quite the feat. 
It's obvious from the pictures how much effort his team puts into Teddy's success and happiness as well as his classmates. The picture shows the efforts of three adults: two helping Teddy successfully push the food into the mold, and one capturing the memories. I'm so grateful that the staffing ratio allows for these type of special projects, which work on so many of his fine motor, focus and other goals. Everything has the power to be educational, and it's no different for a child like Teddy who learns through doing and watching.

Today, in fact, I was amazed at how quickly Teddy mimicked his older cousin dragging a stick on the sidewalk. As soon as he saw her do it, he tried reaching down to do the same. It's hard at times to get his focused attention, but when he's interested in something, he's soaking it all in.

That's just a tangent from the point of this post, which is Teddy has an amazing team that works with him at school. I swear they have the patience of saints, and his teacher always finds so much positive to say. I'm glad he's so well accepted at his home school, both in his classroom and when he integrates with his kindergarten class.

He's so proud of himself ... mostly because he's in the teacher's chair.
And since the odds of a nice family photo tomorrow are slim, here's wishes for a blessed Easter from our family to yours.

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