In Wisconsin, hunting season is a strong tradition. Although I've hunted in the past, I don't sit still well at all, so I hadn't hunted for most of the years prior to having our children. (And now with children, sitting alone in the woods for hours on end suddenly sounds much more appealing.)
Every year, though, I'd make my way to my parents' house with the boys usually after opening weekend and spend the week there until Thanksgiving evening. We'd bake, cook and entertain our family and friends who were hunting. This year, though, is the first that the boys are in school, so that week-long stay isn't really an option (that and Teddy's genetics appointment in Milwaukee Wednesday morning).
So we spent this weekend (known as Widows' Weekend because of all the men hunting and wives left behind ... although plenty of women hunt) hanging around Oshkosh. There was a Grinchmas celebration yesterday, so we spent the better part of our day enjoying that.
Really talented face painter! |
We went to breakfast with the Grinch, and both boys enjoyed it thoroughly in their own ways. AJ thought he was all cool eating the roast beast (ham), and Teddy played under the tablecloth, tried to kick the table over, tried to knock his chair over and still enjoyed the food.
This is how you eat, right? |
We got our picture taken with the Grinch, and Teddy was not a fan. He broke down in tears, even on my lap. I may have been laughing, and AJ was keeping his cautious distance from the Grinch. If only Dave were in the picture, I think it would be our Christmas card photo.
One of my favorite pictures of me and the boys! |
Then AJ got his face painted while Teddy checked out the coat room. There was no one in the coat room, and it worked out perfectly to let Teddy do his thing while AJ got his cool Grinch face painting.
Teddy hanging in the coat room. |
After a break at home for a nap (since we were all up before 5, Teddy kindly obliged and took a snooze) and lunch, we headed into the chilly weather for a horse-drawn wagon ride. The line was long and slow, but both boys were perfectly content watching the crowd, the dancers and everything else. I was impressed ... and thankful ... they waited so well for nearly an hour. The wagon ride was everything AJ hoped it would be, and Teddy had fun, too.
It was in the 60s the day before ... 30s for the Grinchmas celebration. |
Sometimes, when Dave is gone, it's worth the extra effort and hassle to do these things to make the days more enjoyable. I know that means I should take the boys to the Children's Museum today, but we'll see if I'm up for that challenge. I already managed church, which is a rare feat, especially 1 adult to 2 children. Despite Teddy wiggling around, crawling under the pew, walking around the front of the pew and laying on the floor ... in addition to standing, sitting, eating snack, drinking his drink, being held and everything else ... the lady behind us afterward said the boys were well behaved and did great. I laughed and apologized for the entertainment we provided, and she said she'd much rather we be present than stay at home. That kind of encouragement makes it much easier to struggle through the service, and I'm grateful for it.
Now, when will Dave be home? I mean, it's nearly 10 ... a.m.