Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I Love This Kid!

AJ had his first CCD class, which is the Catholic way to teach our children more about our faith and prepare for the sacraments. He wasn't too thrilled about the prospect of this lasting for 10 years (hey, he asked how long he had to go!). But he really enjoyed his first class, and I couldn't have been more proud of the conversation we had afterward.

He told me that he prayed for Finny because he wants his fish to feel better (since Finny is sick with disappearing fins) and one other thing that began with a T and ended with a Y. He said he prayed for Teddy, so I asked what he prayed for Teddy. His reply, "I prayed for God and Jesus to help Teddy talk and walk better." He continued to explain that it would be nice for Teddy to be able to talk without his talker because we don't really know what Teddy's vocalizations of "eh" mean. He added that he also prayed that Teddy wouldn't have any more seizures because AJ really didn't like the one last December where Teddy had to go to the emergency room and then Milwaukee.

Dang, kid. Those are pretty much my same exact prayers for Teddy.

Teddy's the little brother who's loved in a big way!

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