Monday, April 2, 2018

Easter Morning Shenanigans

Let's just say that Teddy was concerned it would take him extra time to find his Easter basket, so he got up early to make sure he had time to find it before 5:45 a.m. sunrise Mass.

That's the only logical explanation for him waking up at 1:50 a.m. and staying up for the day, right?

Nevermind that he didn't know he was getting an Easter basket. Or that he didn't care about looking for his basket that was right in front of him. Or that he didn't want to play with anything from his basket until he realized there was a giant chocolate rabbit, which happened around 3:20 a.m.

Think he's happy?
Now, most parents might not let their child eat a chocolate bunny at 3:25 a.m. Then again, most parents aren't awake with their child at 3:25 a.m. Nor have most parents been up for 1.5 hours with that particular child.

Those ears don't stand a chance against Teddy.
He enjoyed that bunny. He decided to start with the ears and then eat off the tail. His audience included me, Dave and Dave's mom. We spent a small portion of the night sleeping at their house to go to Mass with them. We spent a larger portion of the night playing in the basement with Teddy.

If this pattern of party all night when we're not at home continues every time we're not at home, I'm not quite sure what we'll do. (Curse and cry are givens for me, but those won't solve anything.) I'm not my best self when I get less than 4 hours of sleep. Teddy's not his best self when he only gets 6 hours of sleep, although he smiles a lot more than I do on that little sleep. We're still all a bit sleep deprived, so we're hoping for another restful night tonight.

He's lucky he's so stinkin' cute.

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