Tuesday, March 13, 2018


We had Teddy's Individual Education Plan (IEP) today to determine what supports look like for him in the school setting as well as objectives to work toward in the next year. I won't go into the details of the IEP because I'm saving my energy for the IEP meeting we'll have in another month or two that determines his placement and supports for next year because we have no idea where he'll end up next year ... but my money wouldn't be on the same school as AJ.

Anyways, here's the highlight of today's IEP meeting:

Teddy's speech therapist told us that last week he was helping Teddy climb a piece of playground equipment that was challenging for Teddy. The playground equipment has been a slippery lately, and this is a piece that Teddy struggles to climb ... at least safely. The little girl who was climbing ahead of Teddy turned around and started to ask "Why ..."

Teddy's speech therapist was expecting the child to ask something about what Teddy cannot do or the challenges he has. He said he thought she would ask something like "Why does Teddy need help?" or "Why can't Teddy do this by himself?"

Instead, the girl's question was, "Why is Teddy always so happy?"

That, my friends, makes me happy.

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