Life always seems to be busy, which is why there's some time between posts. Let's see what updates I have from the past several weeks ...
Broken Toe/Foot This healed well, thankfully! He got the all clear to spend some time barefoot at his final checkup. We were advised to have him wear his brace and shoe for most of the time to protect it through November to make sure it's fully healed. This was great news, though, because it allowed us to return to our own bed and allow him to sleep by himself for the first time in 2+ months.
School He loves school. He loves his friends, his teachers, gym, music, recess and pretty much everything about school except following directions or doing what he doesn't feel motivated to do. (Not that atypical for a child, now is it?) He got to venture to a wildlife preserve on a field trip the other week, and he was ecstatic to ride the bus!
Shoes Ugh. Buying shoes that fit over his AFOs is the worst. We've used Billy Shoes for several years, and we initially had really good success with them. But the last year, he's destroyed them almost faster than we can buy them ... certainly faster than we care to buy them. In fact, the last pair we got took less than 3 weeks for holes to be worn into them. We spent more than an hour trying on everything we could find (and suggested by the sales staff) but couldn't find anything traditional that fit over his AFO without looking like clown shoes. We finally ordered Friendly Voyage shoes, and we're optimistic. They seem to be good quality (as I'd hope they'd be for the price), and they fit on his feet like a dream. The only problem is we have to rig up something to ensure the zipper stays up because it tends to work its way open with all the movement Teddy makes, and he's stepped out of the shoe once.
Halloween Teddy had a great Halloween, making up for missing last year due to COVID. He went to a fun Halloween party his friend hosted at a bouncy house and had a great time. We went to a neighborhood party, and he got to do the limbo and had so much fun, once he got over the different costumes. He went trick or treating as Handyman Hal and loved visiting everyone, plus getting candy. It's interesting because he won't let you carry his bag, and he's not the least bit coordinated, so everything spills everywhere. We resorted to frequently emptying his bag (after every house or two). Oh, he does not care for scary costumes at all. One house had someone dressed up as a decoration who then scared kids, and Teddy was done after that with anything that looked remotely scary or suspicious.
And the final randomness in this post is that Teddy got a paint your own cookie to decorate (since his mom runs a bakery after all). Here's how it started:
There's already a bite out of it, but he's actually painting. |
But within 2 minutes it evolved into this:
No further painting was done. Only eating. |